#THEME Dark by Derei #************************************ # PALETTE #************************************ #************************************ # TIMELINE #************************************ #---------- # Layout #---------- #TL_track_time_bk = #333333 #color of the Time track #TL_track_elt_bk = #666666 #color of the Element tracks #TL_track_elt_fr = #888888 #color of the separator between Element tracks #---------- # Font size #---------- #TL_element_font_size = 0.8 #TL_label_font_size = nil #TL_tick_font_size = nil #---------------------- # Track numbering zone #---------------------- #TL_track_label_tx = white #Text Color of the track numbers #TL_orientation_button_film_bk = gold #Background Color of the Orientation button (film) #TL_orientation_button_clip_bk = yellow #Background Color of the Orientation button (clip) #TL_dragging_inference_li = yellow #Line color when inferences are detected #----------- # Scrolling #----------- #TL_scroll_rect_bk = #4D4D4D #Background color of the scrolling rectangle #TL_scroll_rect_fr = nil #Frame color of the scrolling rectangle #TL_scroll_slider_bk = white #Background color of the slider #TL_scroll_slider_fr = nil #Frame color of the slider #TL_scroll_arrow_bk = white #Background color of the scrolling arrows (enabled) #TL_scroll_arrow_bk_grayed = #666666 #Background color of the scrolling arrows (disabled) #TL_scroll_arrow_fr = nil #Frame color of the scrolling arrows (enabled) #TL_scroll_arrow_fr_grayed = nil #Frame color of the scrolling arrows (disabled) #--------------- # Time Markers #--------------- #TL_time_marker_animation_li = red #Line color of the time marker showing Animation time #TL_time_marker_animation_wid = 3 #Line thickness of it #TL_time_marker_hover_li = cyan #Line color of the hovering time marker #TL_time_marker_hover_wid = 1 #Line thickness of it #TL_time_marker_beg_end_wid = 2 #Thickness of the beg / end lines #TL_time_marker_beg_end_li = white #Common color to beg-end arrows and markers #TL_time_marker_beg_end_li_hi = red #Common color to beg-end arrows when hovered #TL_fadeout_li = orange #Color for fade out #TL_fadeout_wid = 2 #Thickness of the fade out line #************************************ # ELEMENT CATEGORIES #************************************ #-------------------------- # GENERIC #-------------------------- #-------------------------- # ERROR, DISABLE, REMOVE #-------------------------- #ERROR_master_color = red #DISABLE_master_color = white #REMOVE_master_color = pink #-------------------------- # MOVEMENT #-------------------------- #MVT_master_color = #00AAD4 #-------------------------- # CAMERA #-------------------------- #CAM_master_color = rgb(113, 200, 55) #-------------------------- # VISUAL EFFECT #-------------------------- #VISUAL_master_color = #C837AB #VISUAL_timeline_tx = white #VISUAL_paledit_button = thistle #-------------------------- # KINEMATICS #-------------------------- #-------------------------- # CLIP #-------------------------- #-------------------------- # FILM #-------------------------- #FILM_paledit_button = khaki #************************************ # MASTER PALETTE #************************************